Business Portrait Photography

A professional photographer has to be be prepared for every eventuality, good or bad. When that one moment of magic occurs, you have to recognise it and take the opportunity to create a special image. 

Eolas Magazine Cover March 2020 - Noel Hillis Photography

When I was commissioned by Eolas magazine to produce a cover shoot with Elaine Daly of Grant Thornton last February, I set up in the board room, as normal with my lights and reflectors. My subjects hair and makeup were finished and we were ready to start. Suddenly, I noticed that one corner of the board room had become lit with the most beautiful reflected light from the next building. I asked my subject to move into the light and in the course of a couple of minutes we photographed a selection of the most beautifully lit images. 

While we continued the session with the planned setups, I knew that we had already captured something special. I was delighted when the editors of Eolas Magazine agreed!


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