Conference Photography in Ireland
Working as a conference photographer in Dublin is one of my specialities. Here are a selection of images from conferences that I have photographed this year.

When I document a conference for corporate or PR purposes, one of my main aims is to produce strong images which capture the ethos and atmosphere of the event. Images that tell the story of the conference while fulfilling an agreed brief.

This includes producing creative images which show the branding in an appropriate light and setting.

It is essential that a conference photographer has the ability to fade into the background and not disturb the speakers and participants when shooting. Being able to produce strong images in often very poor light is vital, as using flash is usually not an option.

Then it is important to have the strength of character to organise and direct large group photographs very quickly, often at a moments notice and do so within a time frame of 5 minutes or less.
By knowing the brief and conference timetable in detail, the key images of important business professionals, politicians and academics - who are often under extreme time pressure - can be captured as a priority.

And it is important to be able to cover multiple speaker sessions in different quiet conferences rooms, both discretely and effectively.
Creating a variety of images showing how the venue is set up is another priority.

As is producing strong portraits of the main participants.

And then to be able to deliver the specified images which tell the story of the event and which are often needed in a variety of formats, on time - every time! - is essential.

Poster sessions and break times are often where the real business is done. I really enjoy producing images that capture the interaction at these times, especially under the challenging light and time pressures that come with a conference.

In the end, it is often the charisma and personality of the keynote speakers, as well as what they said, that people remember most from a conference. The images that capture this are so important, as they become those that help to define the event.
Thank You: I'd like to say thank you to the companies and individuals who commissioned me to photograph their conferences and events during the past year.