Noel Hillis Photography - Commercial Portrait Photography in Ireland
Working as a corporate photographer, most of my commercial portraits are used in annual reports, business magazines and on corporate websites. Here are a selection of images from the last year that haven't appeared on this blog. 

I am always delighted when my corporate portraits are used in print and have been very fortunate over the past year to have seen my photographs appear on a number of magazine covers. Among my favourites were these business portraits of Shell Ireland CEO Michael Crothers, Accenture's Kevin Duffy and SEAI CEO Brian Motherway. My grateful thanks to the publishers of Eolas, AgendaNI and Energy Ireland for commissioning my work.
One of my clients, John Doyle, wanted a contemporary business portrait to use as a profile image for LinkedIn. This was my favourite photo from the shoot.
This editorial portrait of Dr Berna Grist from UCD was photographed for Eolas on a breezy summers day.
Energy Ireland commissioned this more formal corporate portrait of Fergus Devine from William Fry, Solicitors. It was photographed on location at his office.
As part of a commission to capture images of their sales team, this environmental portrait was produced for Antalis in Belfast.
The Insomnia Coffee Company commissioned a variety of commercial lifestyle photography during the autumn and this was my favourite image from the series.
No, it's not a Devo album cover. My favourite piece of conference photography of the year was this audience shot. It was photographed during a 3-d presentation at the EAO conference in the CCD, in Dublin.
I feel very special to have some of my images included in Down Syndrome Ireland's Positive 2014 (Advocacy Calendar). This calendar aims to break age-old sterotypes about the condition of Down syndrome and to promote the rights of people with Down syndrome. Copies are available to buy from this link.
The iPhone remains my camera of choice when I am not working. Using it really makes you think creatively and my shoulders are thankful for the rest from the heavy lenses and multi megapixel cameras that I normally use.
My favourite photograph of 2013 is from Burgundy in eastern France. This image is from "Les Chaumes," a Premier Cru vineyard in the prestigious wine village of Vosne-Romanee.
Watching man and horse work together in perfect harmony on a beautiful summers evening, was a magical moment. Proof perhaps that honest toil, though not always easy, can produce sublime results and in this case, beautiful wine.
Thank you to all of my clients with whom I had the pleasure of working during 2013. Have a great 2014!